Ultimi progetti
Loop Station
Owner: Luca Massaro
Tutto ruota intorno a un loop che ho realizzato in RE minore usando arpeggiatore, sequencere e synth
Posted: Mercoledì, 12 Giugno, 2013 - 16:08
Activity: 1 post
Music for special occasions - Memorial
Owner: Esther Anker
Hi there.. We had as a task in music-class to create our own piece of music for a special occasion.
Posted: Sabato, 8 Giugno, 2013 - 22:54
Activity: 5 posts
Music for special occasion: Fashion Show
Owner: Kama Ranaulo Johnson
we have been demanded to create our original music piece for a special occasion working individually
Posted: Venerdì, 7 Giugno, 2013 - 14:57
Activity: 6 posts
Wedding composition
Owner: Adi Ninnun
At music class we needed to pick an event and write a composition for it.
Posted: Venerdì, 7 Giugno, 2013 - 14:51
Activity: 4 posts
Carnival festival
Owner: Teresa Chimuco
Hello! My name is Teresa and I have been working on music used special occasions.
Posted: Venerdì, 7 Giugno, 2013 - 13:37
Activity: 13 posts
Happy Birthday Daddy
Owner: Luana Blanco Rangel
Hello, I'm Luana and I'm composing a song as a birthday present for my dad.
Posted: Venerdì, 7 Giugno, 2013 - 13:33
Activity: 5 posts
Special Occasion
Owner: Hamed Aldhaheri
i have done a fanfare about world cup. i have done this piece alone.
Posted: Venerdì, 7 Giugno, 2013 - 13:32
Activity: 9 posts
National Anthem
Owner: Obaid Eisaa
I have done a national anthem for X country.
Posted: Venerdì, 7 Giugno, 2013 - 13:29
Activity: 2 posts
Superbowl Players Entrance Fanfare
Owner: danial.hamdani
superbowl players entrance fanfare.
i basically used a drone to make the piece interesting and se
Posted: Venerdì, 7 Giugno, 2013 - 13:29
Activity: 4 posts
Giocando con le ottave
Owner: Gerardo Del Gaudio
Hi, my name is Gerardo and I am a pianist.
Posted: Venerdì, 7 Giugno, 2013 - 00:43
Activity: 4 posts