Comunidad Colaborativa


Quién está conectado

Hay actualmente 0 usuarios conectados.

Usuarios nuevos

  • Mattia Cazzzaro
  • Nicola Sengul
  • Federico Ferronato
  • Ester Caon
  • Lorenzo Fantinato

Jazzy Manifesto

Hello there! I am looking to produce a nice little Jazzy tune. I have created the harmonic structure of the piece and will be able to produce the drums and bass section for it. It would be great if you could provide keyboard and melody lines for it. I am attaching a chord structure.
Nivel de destreza musical: 
Software y tecnologías: 
your favourite DAW (e.g. Logic, Cubase, Reaper, Reason, Record, Sonar). I will be providing all individual tracks separately so that you can use your favourite software.
Licencia Creative Commons: