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CSC remix

Project owner: antonio.roda
Mis à jour: 16 déc 2013
Contributions: 4
Hello, I would like to make a remix of electronic music made in the 70's on magnetic tape. Here at the Centro di Sonologia Computazionale ( we digitized those tapes and I uploaded several excerpts of these computer music tracks. They contain very interesting sounds that can be rearranged to make a new and modern composition.
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Composition Elements:
Traccia 01.mp3 Par: Antonio Rodà
Traccia 02.mp3 Par: Antonio Rodà
Traccia 03.mp3 Par: Antonio Rodà
Traccia 04.mp3 Par: Antonio Rodà
Traccia 05.mp3 Par: Antonio Rodà
Traccia 06.mp3 Par: Antonio Rodà
Project: CSC remix by Antonio Rodà
Licensed under Creative Commons