Terms of use



These terms and conditions of use operate under the law of Italy. In the case of doubt over translation the Italian version shall prevail.

The European partners of the Leonardo Da Vinci TOI Project 'Open Sounds' offer the opportunity to explore the use of a platform that allows users to produce and share music online within communities and transnational virtual study groups.
Through the Open Sounds platform, networks of teachers and students in the musical education system in Italy, Great Britain and Denmark, will be able to:

  • access a virtual learning environment dedicated to music production which allowsremote and transnational collaboration
  • collaborate within the first network built for European students to create and share music remotely within the education system;
  • access training materials and information regarding the conscious and strategic use of digital technologies in music and educational and vocational networks .

In particular, registered users will be able to:

  • create your own personal profile
  • access the profiles of other users and creative musical productions made in each of them;
  • create derivative works of music and fellowship with other Registered Users
  • upload media implementing musical productions set up with shared and /or individual;
  • share posts and comments on the music products made with the members of your team and all users of the European Network of Open Sounds
  • use the shared music files present in the platform and within other musical productions;
  • access any other features, content or applications offered from time to time by Opensounds.eu in relation to its activities.

Participation in the activities provided for in the platform is an experimental nature and finalized the transfer and use within the national education system and European practices and innovative learning environments, in terms of teaching and methodology, developed through previous EU projects ( projects aim LLP Leonardo da Vinci TOI). This activity should therefore be considered as an integral part of the teaching curriculum and in this perspective the involvement of teachers and students in collaborative activities realized in the Platform OpenSoundS is preceded by an "Agreement" signed between the dedicated educational institution and /or formative part of the network experimentation and project partners who coordinate the activities of a transfer system.

Definition of terms used

Platform /Portal : The whole of the physical structure and data transmission and telematic services offered and made available to the user or viewer OpenSoundS and at present electronic and related www.opensounds.eu Domains purchased;
Upload : Transferring Content in a digital format to Opensounds.eu by the User;
Download : Transferring content in a digital format from the platform to the electronic device of the User;
Account or Personal Page : The set of web pages belonging to the site Opensounds.eu accessible only by you and by Opensounds.eu, containing your personal information and activity data of the User;
Content : Works and ingenuity created by or made available by the User. The legal definition of intellectual Works is provided by the Civil Code and the Law on Copyright 633/41 and subsequent amendments and additions, as well as by other national and international legislation on intellectual property rights;
Guest . And 'the person who uses the services offered by Opensounds.eu, provides their personal information to Opensounds.eu, authorizes Opensounds.eu to treat their personal data in compliance with privacy regulations;
Miserable User : It 'a person who, after creating an account on their platform Opensounds.eu, using the services offered by Opensounds.eu, provides their personal information to Opensounds.eu, authorizes Opensounds. eu to treat their personal data in compliance with privacy regulations; User services are offered in addition to those offered to the Guest.
Creative Commons License : copyright licenses are drafted and made available to the public from December 16, 2002 by Creative Commons U.S., U.S. non-profit association founded in 2001. These licenses are inspired by the copyleft model has already been deployed in previous years in computer science and can be applied to all types of intellectual property. These licenses have the common characteristic of recognizing Users the right to reproduce, distribute, perform, play, and perform the work, leaving the owner the choice whether or not to reserve its use for commercial purposes and modification of the work in order to make derivative works.
Services are prepared by Opensounds.eu functionality through the use of software specially created for users;
Related services : the features are arranged by third parties who interact with the services Opensounds.eu;
Profile is the set of information that you post on the platform.

ART. 1 - Service Provider

Opensounds.eu Services are hosted in the European Union. The service provider is the lead institution of the Leonardo Da Vinci TOI OPEN Sounds ITCG "A. Deffenu "of Olbia and all patner Italian and European Project Open Sounds.

ART. 2 - Object of the contract

This Agreement governs the terms of use and enjoyment of the services offered by the portal Opensounds.eu for users, for visitors and, in any case, for anyone to explore the limits Opensounds.eu Services, including, without limitation and non-limiting, with a portable device or wireless, or that otherwise uses the services Opensounds.eu without being registered;

ART. 3 - Obligation to accept the contractual clauses for the use of the service

The User who accesses or accidentally to the portal (Visitor) is authorized for simple navigation or to the active interaction with the portal Opensounds.eu provided that it undertakes to:
a) comply with the law in regard to the provision /use of training and information services;
b) comply with the regulations concerning privacy and copyright;
c) comply with all present or future requirements for supply /use of on-line services;
d) comply with these contractual provisions;
e) accept all the conditions laid down in this contract during the registration process;

ART. 4 - Changes of the terms and conditions of the Agreement

Opensounds.eu reserves the right to make changes to this Agreement. When these changes are made, Opensounds.eu make available on the platform the new Terms of Use and notify the User that this Agreement has been modified through the post in a news portal home and sending an email to provided by the User at the time of registration. The User declares to have been informed that the use of the services of the platform after the date on which the contract was amended will be considered as implicit acceptance of the contract changes.

ART. 5 - Registration Requirements

The user who accesses enrollment /registration shall ensure:
a) that all the information provided for registration is true and accurate;
b) you will maintain updated data;
c) be 13 years of age; Opensounds.eu services are reserved for individuals aged 13 years and above. If You are aged 13 years and above but less than 18, must revise these contractual obligations with the assistance of a parent or guardian to make sure that the User is your parent or guardian understand these terms and conditions;
d) your use of the Services Opensounds.eu does not violate any law or regulation of the country from which they log on.
If you violate the conditions referred to in subparagraphs. a), b), c), d) and any other provision set out in this contract, the legal representative of the portal Opensounds.eu may remove the User profile and your registration will be revoked without notice.

ART. 6 - Term

This Agreement and any subsequent amendments published shall remain in full force during the period in which the user is registered to the Services or use Opensounds.eu. Without prejudice to the possibility for the user to revoke at any time, by requesting it explicitly to the portal administrators to link "Contacts", entry to the portal, Opensounds.eu reserves:
a) the right, in its sole discretion, to reject, refuse to post or remove what has been published by you (including, by way of example and without limitation, private messages, e-mails and instant messages - collectively the "messages"), or to deny, restrict, suspend or terminate your access to all or part of the Services Opensounds.eu at any time, for any reason or no reason, with or without notice or explanation, without incurring penalties or sanctions;
b) the right, in its sole discretion, to reassign or rename your profile URL of the User;
c) the right to remove any User's profile and /or deny, restrict, suspend or terminate your access to all or part of the Services Opensounds.eu if it finds, in its sole discretion, that he has violated the this Agreement or which poses a threat to Opensounds.eu, its users, its partners, its directors and /or the general public.
The effects of the obligations assumed by you under this Agreement will remain in force even after the revocation of the registration.

ART. 7 - Password

Upon registration the User will be required to choose a password. The responsibility for maintaining the confidentiality of the password shall be borne by the User. You agree to never use the account, user name, email address or password of other users and not to disclose your password to any third parties. The User also undertakes to immediately inform Opensounds.eu where it is suspected that there has been an unauthorized access to your account or password. The responsibility for the use of the account, in whatever form, shall be borne by the User.

ART. 8 - Using services

The use of the portal and /or services offered for the sole purpose of teaching, so the administrator reserves the right to remove any content from the site in contravention to the provisions of this contract. E 'is also prohibited:

a) collecting usernames for any purpose;
b) collect the codes user ID for any purpose;
c) to collect email addresses of Members for any purpose;
d) enter into other portals Services Opensounds.eu in frames or through links;
e) use promotional sites or third-party software for Paying profiles;
f) using the services for any commercial or non-commercial advertisements;
g) make links to affiliated enterprises;
h) any unauthorized collection of data;
i) any unlawful use and /or unauthorized use of the Services.
Opensounds.eu reserves the right to take legal action, including, but not limited to, the complaint to the competent authorities, in the event of misuse or unauthorized use of services Opensounds.eu.

ART. 9 - Content Policy

In order to make transparent the process of publication of the content entered by users via the Platform Opensounds.eu to inform the User of the policy of loading and publication, providing the guidelines and the provisions of law which the User must conform.
In order to lawfully dispose of an original work, the user must have the necessary rights to the work.
First, it draws attention to Article. 1 and 6 of the Lda (Law on Copyright Law 633/41 and subsequent amendments and additions) which literally read:
"Art 1 - They are protected under this law works creative intellectual belonging to literature, music, the visual arts, architecture, theater and cinema, whatever may be the mode or form of its expression. "
"Article 6 - The original title of the purchase of copyright is the creation of the work, which particular expression of the intellectual."
The object of protection is not the idea as such or, better, the information contained in the text or in the composition of startup, but their expression in the external shape, that is, the expressive medium chosen for the communication of the idea in musical form and in the internal form, ie the author's personal and particular way of grouping, develop and weave the ideas, concepts, images and sounds expressed in the work.
The user, therefore, in the loading of content on the platform Opensounds.eu, need to be using original content and that the work created by him, as a particular expression of the intellectual work and to guarantee a development of the intellectual who sees Members involved more.
When, however, there is an agreement between the original owner of the rights to the work and the User who uses the services offered by Opensounds.eu, the User may upload to Opensounds.eu the contents of third parties.
In the dynamics of the network concession agreements between the owner of the rights to the work and third fluids are normally higher than those arising in the traditional market. In fact, in recent years, we are located in front of content freely placed in the network whose rights are being laid off in a broader manner, allowing persons outside the creative process to intervene in the publication and circulation of the work.
Nevertheless, the user of the work should take into account such rights are granted the original author and comply with the directives of the latter. It is advisable, therefore, to carefully read the terms of use of the Content fired in order to know the functions vested in the use of the User Content before loading the work of Opensounds.eu or otherwise, to seek permission to owner of the copyright for each activity concerning any Content uploaded to Opensounds.eu.
The tools offered by Opensounds.eu have been specially created to enable collaboration between the various users in the creation and improvement of the intellectual. Collaborative tools that allow the creation of the work across multiple subjects, they also pose the conditions regarding the ownership of the rights to the same.
And in fact, when the final work is generated from the collaboration between different users, with different rights, title of the work belongs to all employees as well as enshrined in Article. 10 of the Lda, which literally reads: "If the work was created with the help indistinguishable and inseparable part of most people, the copyright belongs in common to all the co-authors."
With the loading of the Content on the Platform, the User warrants that the Content is original or that it has obtained from the copyright holder of all necessary approvals for the use of the work in accordance with the provisions of this contract.
It also informs the User that Opensounds.eu is not responsible for the content of Opensounds.eu, the ownership of the copyright on the content loaded in the head and any comments to the User Content posted on Opensounds . eu.
Finally, Opensounds.eu disclaims any liability with regard to any Content submitted by you. In any case, if notified by a User of the Platform, Opensounds.eu can verify that the Content placed by you comply with the Terms and Conditions of Use accepted by you at the time of registration and, consequently, determine its discretion, the 'eventual removal of content from the platform.

ART. 10 - Ownership of Content and granting certain rights to Opensounds.eu

Without prejudice to the provisions in this contract and in the applicable legislation, the User retains any rights on their contents (text, files, images, photos, video, sounds, musical works, works of authorship, applications, or other material). By registering /recording, as well as the inclusion of content on the portal you hereby grant to Opensounds.eu a limited license to:
a) the use, modification, and removal of the Content;
b) the execution and /or public display;
c) the reproduction, distribution and advertising of those contained in the events organized by Opensounds.eu educational background;
d) the reproduction, distribution and publication of such content in the demonstrations in educational background in which it participates Opensounds.eu;
e) the distribution of applications, widgets, websites or mobile, desktop or other services, linked to your Opensounds.eu User (collectively the "Related services");
f) the dissemination or part of the Services Opensounds.eu and their contents, or on any media formats and through any media channels.

ART. 11 - Warranty, Ownership of Content and licensing of certain rights in the Content to Users and visitors of Opensounds.eu

The User warrants to comply with the terms and conditions of use of this website and therefore loaded on the same
a) Only original content of which is the owner of all copyrights;
b) not to be associated with any collecting society of copyright, which imposes a relationship of exclusive mandate (for Customers Italians therefore not to be associated with the SIAE).
The User warrants that the owner of the rights in the Content, in original or derivative, and indemnity Opensounds.eu and /or its assigns, its affiliates, licensors, partners, suppliers and providers of information, and their respective officers, directors, employees, agents and representatives, from all claims, claims for damages, losses or expenses, including legal fees and expenses arising from, but not limited, to: violation of rights of publicity, invasion of privacy, copyright infringement, or trademark infringement, as well as for the violation of these terms and conditions.

You grant to other Users and Visitors Opensounds.eu and sites connected with the use of a Creative Commons license Attribution Noncommercial the right to reproduce, distribute, communicate to the public, publicly display, perform, and perform the work and make derivative works provided that such rights are not exercised or granted to any third party uses primarily intended for or directed to the pursuit of commercial advantage or private monetary compensation as required under the full license available at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/it/legalcode;

You grant to other Users and Visitors Opensounds.eu and sites connected with the use of a Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial - Share Alike license, the right to reproduce, distribute, communicate to the public, publicly display, represent , and perform the work and make derivative works provided that such rights are not exercised or granted to any third party uses primarily intended for or directed to the pursuit of commercial advantage or private monetary compensation and provided that the derivative work is granted licensed under the same license Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial - Share Alike license as required by the full license available at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/it/legalcode.

ART. 12 declaratory commercial uses

In order to clarify which uses are considered to be primarily intended or directed to the pursuit of commercial advantage or private monetary compensation Opensounds.eu states that commercial uses will be considered the following activities:
a) all those uses which involve a revenue per user and /or an advertisement revenue;
b) all activities implemented by third parties, eg. Internet sites, in the case in which the subject receives donations or loans.

ART. 13 - Limited License

You understand and agree that once the contents have been distributed to a service connected or incorporated into other areas of services Opensounds.eu, Opensounds.eu shall have no obligation to delete or ask other Users or a service connected , to erase the contents, and therefore that Content may continue to appear and be used indefinitely.
She further explains:
a) the license granted to Opensounds.eu is non-exclusive (ie, the User may grant license Content of use to others as well as Opensounds.eu), royalty-free (Opensounds.eu therefore should not recognize anything at 'User or any other person related rights in respect of the use of any Content posted on the Services by the User Opensounds.eu), with the right to sub-license (so you can use Opensounds.eu affiliates, subcontractors and other partners, such as Internet content delivery networks and operators of wireless communications, to provide the Services Opensounds.eu), and valid worldwide (because the Internet and the Services are worldwide in scope Opensounds.eu).
b) You represent and warrant that:
1. the user is the owner of the Content published on, through or in connection with the Services Opensounds.eu, or otherwise has the right to grant the licenses referred to in Articles. 10 and 11 of this contract;
2. the publication of the Content on, through or in connection with the Services Opensounds.eu and /or Related Services does not violate any law, including inter alia the rules protecting the privacy rights, protection of the image, copyright , contractual or other rights of any natural or legal persons;
3. You agree to pay any royalties, charges and other entitlements due to natural or legal persons against use of the Content by him /her posted on or through the Services Opensounds.eu and /or Related Services;
c) the Content of Opensounds.eu are protected by copyright, trademarks, patents, trade secrets and industrial and other standards, and Opensounds.eu owns and retains all rights in the Content and Services. With this Contract Opensounds.eu grants you a limited, revocable license, without right to sub-license to reproduce and display the Content Opensounds.eu (excluding software code) solely for your personal viewing on the site Opensounds. eu and use of the Services Opensounds.eu.
d) Opensounds.eu reserves the right to limit the storage capacity of the Content posted by you on, through or in connection with the Services of Opensounds.eu.

ART. 14 - Content posted

The profile of the User must not include any kind of Prohibited Content, as described in Art. 15 below. Opensounds.eu assumes no responsibility for any information, materials, products or services not authorized, ineligible or otherwise contrary, in whole or in part with the provisions of this Agreement provided by other Users Opensounds.eu (eg in their profiles) or Related Services in spite of the prohibition referred to above. Who has knowledge of any improper use of the Services Opensounds.eu by a person or Linked Service is asked to click on the link "Contacts" listed on the portal pages.
It should also be noted that Opensounds.eu:
a) has the right to reject, refuse to post or remove any Content for any reason or no reason, by way of example and not limitation in the case of Content that in the sole judgment of Opensounds.eu contrary to the conditions of this Agreement or are offensive or illegal , or violates the rights of natural persons or legal entities, or harm or threaten the safety of natural or legal persons;
b) assumes no responsibility for monitoring the Services Opensounds.eu in order to detect any Content or improper behavior. If, at any time, Opensounds.eu decides at its sole discretion to carry out checks on the Services on the portal in question does not assume any responsibility for the Content, no obligation to modify or remove inappropriate Content, and no responsibility for the conduct of ' The user who posted such Content;
c) You are solely responsible for their Content posted on, through or in connection with the Services of Opensounds.eu, material or information you transmit to other Members, and trade it has with other users.

ART. 15 - Content and prohibited activities

Opensounds.eu reserves the right to take legal action against those who contravene the provisions of this contract, and the right to perform the following tasks listed by way of example and not limited to:
a) the removal of Content from the Services Opensounds.eu prohibited;
b) the revocation of the offender and /or termination of such Content or activities to the authorities.
Are prohibited, among other things, any Content that in the sole judgment of Opensounds.eu:
1. incite violence, racism, bigotry, hatred, harassment or are inciting harassment of another person;
2. are for sexual exploitation, contain nudity, using violent language, etc..
3. are designed to steal personal data, in particular for children under 18 years;
4. publicly disclose information that jeopardize the privacy or security of another person;
5. spreading false information, promote illegal activities or conduct abusive, threatening, obscene, defamatory or libelous against other people;
6. constitute or advertise illegal or unauthorized copies of works by other protected by copyright, such as pirated computer programs or links to such programs, information on how to bypass copy protection abusive devices installed by the manufacturer, or links to pirated music files these files;
7. involve sending e-mail "spam" e-mail "chain" or unsolicited messages to target groups, instant messages, "spim" or "spam";
8. contain pages with restricted access or allowed only by password, or hidden pages or images (ie not linked to or from another accessible page);
9. encourage or promote any illegal activity, including, but not limited to, the making or buying illegal weapons, violating someone's privacy the people, or the creation or provision of computer viruses;
10. require or are thought to ask other users passwords or personal identifying information for commercial or unlawful purposes;
11. conducting commercial activities and /or sales without the prior written consent of Opensounds.eu (such as contests, sweepstakes, barter, advertising, or pyramid schemes);
12. contain pictures or video with the image of another person, published without the consent of the person portrayed;
13. in relation to profiles of bands, comedians, directors and other profiles, uses sexually suggestive images or misleading or deceptive Content intended to draw traffic to the profile;
14. harm, or attempt to violate the rights of others in matters of privacy, publicity, copyrights, trademarks, contract rights or any other nature.

Opensounds.eu reserves the right to investigate and take appropriate legal action against anyone who, in the sole discretion of the same Opensounds.eu, contravenes the provisions of this contract, or uses the Services Opensounds.eu in a manner contrary to the law.
Therefore prohibited including but not limited to:
a) illegal or criminal activities, including, but not limited to, those of pornopedofilia, fraud, trafficking in obscene material, drug trafficking, gambling, harassment, defamation, stalking, sending spam (junk e-mail ), spim (instant messaging side), sending of viruses or other harmful files, violation of intellectual property rights and patents, theft of trade secrets;
b) publicity or solicitation with respect to Users for the purchase or sale of products or services through the unauthorized use of the Services or illegal Opensounds.eu. It is not permitted to send e-mail chain or undesirable to other Users. The user who, in violation of the terms of this Agreement, transmits or causes the transmission (directly or indirectly) of messages, status or mood updates, announcements or other unsolicited commercial communication and unauthorized using of any nature Services Opensounds.eu, as of now recognizes that it caused substantial damage to Opensounds.eu, the amount of which would be extremely difficult to quantify. On the basis of a reasonable prior assessment of the damage, the User agrees to pay to Opensounds.eu EURO 50 for each actual or desired recipient of this message, status update or mood or listing unsolicited or unauthorized commercial sent another press through the services of Opensounds.eu, plus any damages to be determined at the time of any judgment;
c) activities to circumvent or modify, or encourage or assist others to circumvent or alter any technology or software data protection Opensounds.eu part of the Services;
d) activities involving the use of viruses, bots, worms, or other computer code, files or programs that interrupt, destroy or limit the functioning of any software or hardware, or allowing the use of or unauthorized access to a computer or a computer network;
e) activities intended to modify, copy, distribute, download, perform scraping or transmitted in any form or by any means, in whole or in part, Opensounds.eu Content in the Services other than User Content from these legally published through or in connection with the Services Opensounds.eu;
f) activities to provide or use a tracing or monitoring in relation to the Services Opensounds.eu, too, by way of example and without limitation, to identify points of view, actions or other activities on the Services Users Opensounds.eu ;
g) activities to cover or obscure the security features (for example the button to report inappropriate use) in your personal profile page or any page Opensounds.eu with HTML /CSS or any other means;
h) use automated system, including, for example and without limitation, the use of scripts to add friends or send comments, messages, or announcements;
i) activities to create interference, interruptions or excessive traffic burden on the Services or the Opensounds.eu networks and services connected to the Services Opensounds.eu;
j) activities to copy the code and enter it in relation to users' profiles and other profiles containing a breeding program Opensounds.eu;
k) activities to use the account, username, or password of another User, reveal your password to any third party or permit any third party to access your account;
l) activity of sale or transfer of its listing, the e-mail address or URL;
m) the activities of unauthorized commercial advertising exposure on their profile, accept payment in money or items of value in exchange for the performance of commercial activities on behalf of third parties through illegal or unauthorized use of the Services Opensounds.eu, for example by placing commercial content on your profile, links to commercial sites not authorized by Opensounds.eu, posting ads for commercial purposes, choosing a profile with commercial purpose as one of your favorite friends, or sending private messages with a commercial purpose;
n) the activities of forwarding e-mail messages from mail servers of third parties without the authorization of those third parties;
o) activities to use invalid or forged headers to disguise the origin of any Content transmitted to or through computer systems Opensounds.eu, or otherwise falsify your identity or the source of any message or Content;
p) activities to use automated systems, including, but not limited to, scripts or bots in order to collect e-mail addresses or other information from the site Opensounds.eu, the purpose of sending unsolicited or unauthorized material;
q) activities to carry out, directly or indirectly, or encouraging others to perform, click-throughs generated through any manner that could be reasonably interpreted as coercive, incentivized, misleading, malicious, or otherwise fraudulent.

ART. 16 - Removal of Content not authorized by the copyright owner.

You may not upload, embed, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any material in violation of copyright, patent, trademark or trade secret or any other proprietary right of any natural or legal . It is the policy of Opensounds.eu revoke, in appropriate circumstances, the registration of those responsible for repeated violations.
The User or Visitor who believes that your work has been copied and posted on or through the Services Opensounds.eu in ways that are in violation of copyright, please send an administrator to Opensounds.eu, via the link contacts, a communication signals violation, taking care to indicate the following data:
1. identification of the work covered by the copyright claim has been infringed, or - in the case of multiple entries nominated in the same communication - a representative list of such works;
2. identification of the material containing the alleged violation and adequate information to allow Opensonds.eu to locate the material on the Platform (you can meet this requirement by providing URL of the material);
3. information reasonably sufficient to permit us to contact the person who forwards the alert, such as address, telephone number and email address;
4. statement by the reporting states that it believes in good faith that the disputed use of the work is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law;
5. statement by the reporting states that the data contained in the report are correct, he is the owner of the copyright or are authorized to act on behalf of the owner and be aware that any false statement is a criminal offense under the law;
6. physical or electronic signature.

Having received the notification, Opensounds.eu reserves the right to forward the User who uploaded the content reported within 5 working days.
The User has reserved the right to make a report to the contrary (hereinafter "controsegnalazione"), within 5 days of receipt of the referral by Opensounds.eu, in order not to remove the Content from the platform.

The controsegnalazione must contain the following data:
1. full legal name;
2. e-mail address;
3. postal address;
4. telephone number;
5. identification of the material subject to the reporting and adequate information to allow us to locate the material on the Services opensounds.eu (you can meet this requirement by providing URL of the material);
6. a declaration containing the recognition of the Italian jurisdiction in the jurisdiction of residence of the User and the acceptance of service of process from the author of the message to the address provided by the User;
7. statement by the controsegnalante states that it believes in good faith that the disputed use of the work is authorized by the owner of the copyright, its agent by law;
8. statement by the controsegnalante states that the data contained in controsegnalazione are accurate, to be the owner of the copyright or are authorized to act on behalf of the holder or by operation of law on copyright and to be aware that every false statement is a criminal offense under the law;
9. physical or electronic signature.

Within 5 days of receipt of controsegnalazione, Opensounds.eu forward the controsegnalazione to the entity that issued the alert, with the information provided by the User in points last year. By submitting a controsegnalazione, therefore, you consent to the disclosure of their data reported to the entity that issued the alert.

Signals and controsegnalazioni should be sent to the e-mail info@opensounds.eu

ART. 17 - Services linked third-party

Services connected created by third party developers may be available on, through or in connection with, the services Opensounds.eu. The Related Services include applications, websites, desktop services, wireless, mobile and other made available by third parties which can be installed on the User Profile Opensounds.eu or shared with other Users on the Services Opensounds.eu, or connected to 'User Account Opensounds.eu outside the Services Opensounds.eu. Services connected can use the information, friends and /or other content on the User Profile Service connected and share events between Opensounds.eu and the service connected (depending on the capabilities that the service connected chooses to make available). When the user uses a third party Linked Service, interacts with the third party, not with Opensounds.eu. Opensounds.eu has no control over third parties, nor can influence its actions. If the user chooses to use a third-party service connected, the Service may use and share data according to the settings in the User's privacy relating to the service in question. In addition, third parties who provide the service connected may be used by other parties to provide portions of the application or service to Users, such as, for example, technology, development or payment services. Opensounds.eu assumes no liability or warranty, express or implied, with respect to the Services related to third parties, or the providers of such services connected (including, by way of example and without limitation, about its practices regarding privacy ). Opensounds.eu encourages the User to provide personal data to non-related services to third parties, unless you know and trust and confidence in the party with whom they are interacting.

ART. 18 - Disputes between Members

The responsibility of trade entertained:
a) between users Opensounds.eu and related services,
b) Members Opensounds.eu among others,
c) between third-party developers,
d) between other parties with which the user interacts through the Services Opensounds.eu and /or related services
is the responsibility of the individual user. Opensounds.eu reserves the right, but has no obligation, to intervene in any way in such disputes.

ART. 19 - Privacy

Use of the Services is subject to the privacy policy Opensounds.eu downloadable from the website in question, and is meant as an integral and essential part of this Agreement.

ART. 20 - Disclaimer

Opensounds.eu assumes no responsibility and makes no warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to Content posted by Users. Opensounds.eu is not responsible for any damages or losses, whether they depend Opensounds.eu by users of the Services or equipment or programming tasks associated with Opensounds.eu or services used by users of the Services or Services Opensounds.eu connected. The profiles and related services created and posted by Members on, through or in connection with the Services Opensounds.eu may contain links to other sites or services. Opensounds.eu is not responsible for the Content, accuracy or opinions expressed on such websites and services, so you do not necessarily Opensounds.eu load to carry out investigations, monitoring or checks on the accuracy and completeness of such sites and services . The inclusion of links to websites Opensounds.eu or Services does not imply approval or endorsement of the linked sites or services by Opensounds.eu.
In particular, and without limitation:
a) Users who access those sites and services of third parties do so at their own risk;
b) Opensounds.eu assumes no responsibility for advertisements for products /services provided by both users and third parties who, for various reasons, interact with the portal;
c) Opensounds.eu is not responsible for the behavior of users of the Services or Services Opensounds.eu connected, are on the Web than in any other situation;
d) Opensounds.eu assumes no responsibility for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, power line anomalies, theft, destruction, unauthorized access to or alteration of communications between users.
e) Opensounds.eu is not responsible for any problems or technical failures in telephone network or lines, computer online systems, servers or providers, computer equipment, software, failure of e-mail programs or audio /video playback caused by technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or on the Services or Services Opensounds.eu connected;
f) Opensounds.eu is not responsible for any injury or damage to Users or to the user's computer arising out of or in any way connected with the participation in or downloading material through the Services or Services Opensounds.eu connected;
g) Opensounds.eu shall in no event be liable for any loss or damage, including, but not limited to, personal injury, resulting from the use of the Services or Services Opensounds.eu connected, participation in an event Opensounds . eu, the contents of users published on or through the Services or Services Opensounds.eu connected, or behavior of one or more users of the Services, the web or in any other situation;
h) the Services and Services related Opensounds.eu are provided "AS IS" and subject to availability. Opensounds.eu provide expressly disclaims any warranty of fitness for a particular purpose;
i) Opensounds.eu is not able to guarantee and refrains from promising specific results regarding the use of the Services or Services Opensounds.eu connected.

ART. 21 - Limitation of Liability

Opensounds.eu not under any circumstances be liable to you or any third party for any indirect, consequential, incidental, special or punitive damages, including, but not limited to:
a) damages for lost profits resulting from use of Opensounds.eu services or related services even in case Opensounds.eu has been advised of the possibility of such damages;
b) damages for appropriation or exploitation of products published by the users or third parties that interact with the portal.

ART. 22 - Disputes

This Agreement is governed by and shall be construed under the laws of the Italian State, without regard to the provisions on conflict of laws. You and Opensounds.eu recognize the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located in Italy for the resolution of any disputes relating to the Contract or to the Services offered by the platform and elect, on an exclusive basis, courts have jurisdiction to Rome.
In any case, with this contract, the parties waive knowingly, voluntarily and intentionally possible legal action in connection with any litigation including, but not limited to claims, counterclaims, claims by third parties, arising out of or connected with the ' under this contract.
Each party acknowledges that this article is for the other party a facility aimed at facilitating the signing of this contract.

ART. 23 - Indemnity

The User agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Opensounds.eu, his collaborators and other partners, and their respective officers, agents, partners, and employees from any damages and liabilities, legal fees made by third parties, etc., in the event that the site is used:
a) in a manner not inconsistent with this Agreement;
b) in breach of the conditions laid down therein;
c) in breach of your representations and warranties set forth in this Agreement.

ART. 24 - Exercise of rights arising from contractual obligations

The non-exercise of rights or non-application of the provisions of this Agreement by Opensounds.eu should not be construed as a waiver of such right or provision. This Agreement shall be considered valid and enforceable to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any provision of this Agreement which may be determined the illegality, invalidity or unenforceability shall be deemed severable from the other provisions of the Contract, which therefore does not affect the full force and effect.
For any questions concerning this Agreement, use the contact form with Opensounds.eu via the Contacts button location on each page.

ART. 25 - Guidelines on safety

Opensounds.eu is a portal moderate: registration of users, the input of content and file uploads are controlled by administrators. Online security is, however, linked to multiple factors not always under the control of the directors, so they nucleate, below, some behaviors to be observed during the use of the services of the Platform:

  • is vital that your account is not communicated to others who might upload content unsuitable. Do not enter data such as address, phone number, social security number, etc..; Avoided to enter sensitive information your or someone else's, do not upload images that depict minors outside of school settings group.
  • Avoid writing information that would make it easier to reach you, for example, where every day you spend your time.
  • People are not always what they claim to be. Be especially careful when adding strangers to your friends list and try not to meet people they've met online.
  • harassment, the language that incites violence and inappropriate content should be reported. If you believe that another person's behavior is inappropriate, react. Report it to Opensounds.eu.
  • Never load or write anything that you might find embarrassing later. It is easy to think that only our friends are watching our content on Opensounds.eu but, in reality, anyone can see them. Think twice before you upload a photo or image or any other type of information.
  • Do not say you are older if you are not. Do not say that you are a minor if you are not. If administrators Opensounds.eu determine that you are under 13 and pretend to be bigger, erase your profile. If the directors determine that you are older and pretend to be boys, erase your profile.
  • Create a strong password and change it at regular intervals. Strong passwords typically have at least eight characters that include a number and a special character such as, for example, "&" or "@".
  • Keep the password for your account Opensounds.eu separated from the other online accounts. If you use the same password for everything, you can jeopardize your other accounts if you are a victim of phishing! And if someone gets access to your phishing e-mail address main, it may require you to send the password using the "forgot password".
  • If you receive an unsolicited e-mail that asks you to verify the account or giving a time limit to respond, it is likely that the message is a fraud and that they are trying to carry out phishing. Do not respond in any way.
  • Do not click on unknown links embedded in an e-mail.
  • Install on your computer anti-virus and anti-spyware, and keep your operating system up to date.
  • Keep updated on your browser, in fact upgrading your browser not only improves the navigation and viewing of websites but also improves safety.

ART. 26 - Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy sets out criteria for the use and sharing of personally identifiable information - hereinafter referred to as "IIP" - such as your name, email address, postal address, telephone number provided by the Users voluntarily to the portal and community Opensounds.eu enrollment.
The term "User" refers to a Visitor or a single user.
This Privacy Policy applies to the services offered by the Website ("Services of the Portal") and any other features, content or applications offered from time to time, by the Portal.
The portal is intended for the general public and does not knowingly collect PII concerning children under 13 years.
If necessary, the portal has the right to amend this Privacy Policy for the following industry initiatives or changes regarding the legislation, the collection and use of PII, the functionality of the Services of the Portal or technologies. These changes are effective when they are published on the Portal. By continuing to use the Services of the Portal after the publication of information and an updated version of the Privacy Policy, you agree tacitly with the Privacy Policy as amended.
In the case of substantial changes in the methods of collection and use of PII by the portal, the management of IIP of the individual user will remain subject to the Privacy Policy under which they have been collected, unless the user has been informed of the change and has not objected.


General. The portal collects PII voluntarily provided by you in order to register as a User. The Portal also collects non-PII information including IP address, aggregate data on users and browser type. This data will be used for purposes of management and improvement of the Services of the Portal, site usage analysis and security. Users are entitled to the Portal to change their Registration Data and IIP profile at any time using the appropriate function in the "Edit Profile" in your profile.
Cookies. Cookies are small amounts of information that the portal stores the user's computer. The Portal uses cookies to identify your Internet browser used by you, to store your preferences and to check if you have installed the software needed to access certain content of the Services of the Portal. The data contained in cookies may be read to authenticate sessions of use to you or to provide services. Well as any third-party services, published by the Services of the Portal may contain cookies set by companies on the Internet (known as "third party cookies"). The portal has no control over third party cookies, so the users of the Services of the Portal should refer to the Policy for the privacy practices of third-party company to find out whether and how it uses cookies.
You can program your computer to alert you each time a cookie is sent, and also block third party cookies or block all cookies. Keep in mind, however, that blocking all cookies some functions of the Services of the Portal may not be accessible.


When the User voluntarily provide PII to the portal, you will then inform him about the subject that collects data about how and why the collection, about the uses to which the portal is planned to allocate the data, if other than those authorized in this the Privacy Policy.
Except as described in this Privacy Policy for the Portal User will not disclose PII to third parties, except in the case where the user has permitted (See "Use" below). The data provided by the User Profile in structured profile fields or in any multiple-choice questions (the "Structured Profile Information"), the information included in the profile fields and in any open questions (the "Profile Information unstructured") and other non-PII information about the User may only be used according to the specific interests of the Portal.
The information used for this feature does not provide your PII or do not allow any third party to identify you.


The portal will use the PII you provide under this Privacy Policy for solely in accordance with this Policy. To locate other Users of the Portal that still belong to the same network and whose login credentials have been moderate, the portal allows the user to search for Members using Registration PII (name, etc.) and examine some profile data for elements with which to establish a contact with users.
Search engines can index the part of the User's profile (including the profile data in it).
Employees, agents and consultants of the Portal User can get access to the PII only for reasons related to their duties or professional services. The Portal may share your PII with those who collaborate in the User management or conduct activities for the Services of the Portal (eg, portal administration, statistical analysis, data processing), or with external consultants or agents cooperating in the operation . These consultants or agents may temporarily store some information on their servers, but they are still allowed to use the IIP Users solely to provide a particular benefit to the Portal.
They can also occur in cases where the proceeds portal access to or disclosure of PII, Profile Information or non-PII information of the User, without offer him no option, in order to: protect the rights or property of the Portal of Affiliated Companies , or their respective employees, agents or consultants (including for the purpose of execution of contracts) protect the personal safety of users of the Services of the Portal or members of the public, even in emergency situations, protect against fraud or for management purposes risk, comply with the law or legal proceedings.


The portal puts in place appropriate precautionary measures, in relation to the resources administrative, technical, human and physical, for the protection of PII by the possibility of loss, theft, as well as use, disclosure, or unauthorized modification. The Portal also uses appropriate methods to ensure that PII is accurate, current and complete for the purposes for which they are intended.

Information regarding processing of personal data pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/2003.

Opensounds.eu, with regard to the processing of personal data of users, informs you about their use and your rights, so that you can consciously express your consent. The "Code on Protection of Personal Data" (Legislative Decree no. 196/2003) (hereinafter "Code") requires that the processing of data of the individual is based on principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency and protect the privacy and rights of the individuals concerned. At the time of enrollment to our service we collect data "neutral." Pursuant to art. 13 of the said Code, we give you, therefore, the following information.
This document is the basis for the processing of personal data that is provided pursuant to art. 13 Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 (hereinafter the Privacy Code) for service users Opensounds.eu, which are provided through the Platform.
The policy does not apply to other websites which are accessible through the links at the output.

Contribution mandatory data neutral.

All data requested by us you only need to perform properly and completely our service and for statistical purposes regarding the use of the same. Please note that the provision of neutral data is mandatory in order to use the service we offer. The failure to prevent it, therefore, the enjoyment.

The data controller is the Institute of Open Sounds project leader Leonardo Da Vinci TOI OPEN Sounds ITCG "A. Deffenu "of Olbia and all patner Italian and European Project Open Sounds (par. 29 Code Tit IV).

Those in charge of data processing (art. 29 Tit IV Code), relating to identified or identifiable, processed following consultation and the use of services rendered by Opensounds.eu are "Clouds Srl" and "Brigthton Art Ltd" that, as implementing partners in the work plan of the project development, implementation, administration and control of the Portal, for "experience, capability and reliability provide sufficient guarantees regarding compliance with the applicable provisions of the treatment including aspects relating to safety ".


The interested party can contact in order to assert your rights indicated in art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003. (Right of access to personal data and other rights) and, in particular, interested parties have the right to obtain:

  1. confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning him, even if not yet recorded, and their communication in intelligible form.

  2. You have the right to obtain the indication:
    a) the origin of personal data;
    b) the purpose 'and how' of treatment;
    c) the logic applied in case of treatment with the aid of electronic instruments;
    d) the identity of the owner, manager and the representative appointed under article 5, paragraph e) the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who may become aware of quality 'representative designated in the State, managers or agents.

  3. You have the right to obtain:
    a) updating, rectification or, when interested, integration of data;
    b) cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed unlawfully, including data which does not 'need to be kept for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed;
    c) certification that the operations in letters a) and b) have been notified, as also related to their contents, to those to whom the data were communicated or disseminated, unless this requirement proves impossible or involves the use of means manifestly disproportionate to the protected right.

  4. The interested party has the right to object, in whole or in part:
    a) for legitimate reasons the processing of personal data concerning himself 'relevant to the purpose of the collection;
    b) the processing of personal data concerning him for the purpose of sending advertising materials or direct selling or for carrying out market research or commercial communication.

The rights under Art. 7 may be exercised in the manner prescribed in art. 8 (Exercise of Rights)
art. 9 - (mode of operation) - the aforementioned Code.
The Data Processor shall give following inquiries in the manner indicated in art. 10 - (Response to) -
You can contact the person in charge of data processing (art. 29 Code Tit IV) to the email address privacy@opensounds.eu

Informative Article 13

Pursuant to Article 13 of the Code should also be provided the following information:

  1. personal data will be processed by the Head of data processing for the purposes of Opensounds.eu institutional, collaborative platform reflecting the objectives and the educational purpose of the LLP Leonardo da Vinci TOI OPEN Sounds and which are, therefore, those related to education and training in the field of music as well as administrative instrumental to them, as defined by law and by the Plans of Studies prepared by each school that promotes the practice and training in the field of music. Personal information defined as "sensitive data" in the Code will be handled by the owner of the data, in accordance with the provisions of law and regulations and in accordance with the principle of strict indispensability of the treatments. Sensitive data will not be disclosed, but some of them may be disclosed to other public bodies to the extent strictly necessary to carry out institutional provisions in force in the health, social security, tax, judicial and education within the limits provided by the Ministerial Decree 305/2006, published in the OJ No. 11 of 15-01-07. To this end, we remind you that the data are those sensitive personal data "allowing the disclosure of racial or ethnic origin, religious, philosophical or other beliefs, political opinions, membership of parties, trade unions, associations or organizations religious, philosophical, political or trade union, as well as personal data disclosing health and sex life. "
  2. the requested data is required in the regulations cited in paragraph 1, the refusal to supply such data may result in failure to complete the enrollment to the portal and the ability to take advantage of its services needed to ensure the ability to faculty leaders, students, part of the National Network to share information materials, training materials, audio /video, and experiences related to educational activities and results related institutional activities of the school;
  3. the treatment will be carried out by electronic means, in accordance with the provisions of art. 11 of the Code and of the measures specified in the Code;
  4. in line with the assets and the proper purpose of the collaborative platform opensounds.eu audio materials, photos, results of collaboration and shared construction products and creative materials produced by teachers and music students in the course of teaching and /or specific national and transnational project actions which the school adheres, will be posted on Opensounds.eu by teachers and secondary school students, Music and Dance, other types of upper secondary school education, the Conservatives, educational institution of the present VET system and the three countries involved in the project partnership Italy, Great Britain and Denmark (both students and teachers, that is, present in all the educational institutions that have joined through specific agreements to the European Network of students promoted through OPEN Sounds). The above-mentioned data can not be published by students if the person concerned, or both parents, if the user is less, not having given express consent to the institution through the school of reference 'acceptance of the Privacy privacy of the school, and explicit information in a clear and detailed the opportunity for the school to publish on the school website or sites linked to national and European projects which the school adheres audio materials, photos, results of collaborative activities and construction shared musical products and creative materials produced by teachers and students during the teaching and planning of specific actions related national and transnational institutional activities of the school as well as detailed above.

Other types of data processed

Navigation data

Opensounds.eu acquires in the course of normal operation of the provision of services through the platform, some personal data whose transmission is necessary for the use of communication protocols of the Internet.
These data are not collected to be associated with identified, but by their very nature makes it possible, through processing and association with data held by third parties, to identify users. This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of computers used by users connecting to the site, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) ​​of requested resources, the time of request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in reply, the numerical code indicating the status of the reply given by the server (successful, error, ...) and other parameters regarding the operating system and computer environment. These data are used only to obtain anonymous statistics on site usage and to check its correct functioning and is deleted immediately after processing.
In any case, these data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the site.

Data provided voluntarily by the User.

The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of electronic mail to the addresses indicated on this website entails the subsequent acquisition of the sender, necessary to respond to requests, and of any other personal data included in the message. Concise information will be progressively reported or displayed on web pages dedicated to particular services.

Opensounds.eu disclaims any liability arising from the illegal entry of personal data of third parties by unauthorized users. To this end, Opensounds.eu advised to read carefully the instructions contained in the prospectus of the Privacy, present on the Internet at: www.garanteprivacy.it

Place and purpose of data processing

Treatment related to the services offered by the platform Opensounds.eu are cared for by employees /collaborators Opensounds.eu. No data deriving from the use of services is communicated or disclosed to third parties. The personal data provided by users who request services or information from Opensounds.eu are used only to perform the service or provision requested and are not disclosed to third parties unless such disclosure is required by law or is strictly necessary to fulfill requests.

